40) Property Access Register Note John Dent (#3119) signing on October '96 for first (cancelled) sale. Note John Dent signing in with DEA Agents (Mark Wilkinson) on Dec. 5, 1996. Note John Dent signing in for N802ME review on Dec. 10, 1996. Note Jerry Hawkins (3116) signing in with other EG&G employee (3005) on Dec. 12, 1996. Note John Dent (3119) signing in repeated times for inventory N802ME. Note John Dent signing out inventory for N802ME on 4-21-97. Note Roy Butler, Jr. and Patrick Holmes signing in on 4-28-97 for review of inventory for N802ME. Note time 10:00-12:00. Note John Dent signing in to release N802ME on 5-3-97 and that Brian Kilcullen did not take custody of N02ME and inventory until 5-13-97. Note on morning of 5-13-97, John Dent, S/A Robert Del Toro and S/A Anthony Caudafe are signing in for Inventory/Oversight. Brian Kilcullen will be showing up to take possession of N802ME and inventory that afternoon. |