Note that U.S. Customs, EG&G and U.S. Attorney were notified on this date (7-7-97) of seizure and position.
Original Document
Document with Highlights
Here is the evidence as referenced in the book:
- Skyknight's Bidder Application
- N802ME Advertisement
- N802ME Exterior Photo 1
- N802ME Exterior Photo 2
- N802ME Cabin Photo
- N802ME Cockpit Photo
- N802ME Nose Comp Photo
- N802ME Left & Right Engine Log (Last Page, Book 1)
- US Customs (N802ME) Receipt
- Property Release Doc
- Removed Avionics
- Removed Inventory
- Box w/ 6051 Attached Photo
- 6051's
- N802ME Log #1 Hobbs Change
- Skyknight Spec Sheet
- Patco - EG&G Fax
- Skyknight Notice Letter
- Warrant
- Skyknight Protest Letter
- BK Grand Jury Subpoena
- Consavage Affidavit
- 20/20 Transcript
- EG&G Auction Catalog
- US Customs Obstruction Letter
- US Customs/EG&G Obstruction Letter
- Roberts Appraisal
- Thompson/Roberts Notification
- Dent Logbook Removal Fax
- EG&G/DOJ Collusion Letter
- US Customs/GAO Inventory
- Butler Letter
- Matthews Trial (Dent) Testimony
- 6/94 FMV Form
- 4/96 FMV Form
- 8/96 FMV Form
- Thompson N802ME Trial Review
- N802ME Disposition '96
- 94 GAO Inventory Anomaly
- Property Access Register
- Treasury Synopsis
- Treasury Dent Interview ('02)
- Treasury USAO Declination
- Thompson Declaration
- Lewis Letter #1
- Lewis Letter #2
- 21 USC 881
- USA Exhibit List
- Thompson - Matthews Testimony
- Thompson - Matthews Closure
- DEA N802ME Review
- Wikinson/Ryan - Matthews Trial
- D. Wikinson Request
- EG&G Description
- N802ME Holding Costs
- EG&G Contract Award